Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This weeks goal was to start working on my kitchen, which I knew from the get go, was probably going to take me at least two weeks if not three.

Yup... this is my kitchen... 

The first part of this goal was to do a general surface cleaning. Cleaning off counters, tables tops, stove and cleaning out the fridge. I will continue next week by going more in depth into the cabinets looking to sort through rarely used appliances, old canned and boxed groceries, and removing things that are not kitchen related from the space.

For now though, surface cleaning.

Mortiz asks "Where's the food at?"

As a bachelorette, cleaning out the fridge was not that hard, and luckily there wasn't too many "science experiments" growing in there. I also gave the fridge a good solid scrubbing, which was needed...ew!

Moritz says "I will help if food is involved!"
So there isn't a whole lot of amazingness to report, but it looks generally clean. I know that all the cabinets are filled with stuff that needs to be tossed or donated, that there is a carboy full of home brewed mead that hasn't been tasted in over 3 years (though it has moved from one apartment to another) and probably has turned into vinegar,  and some serious organizing that needs to be done.

For now though it doesn't look terrible.

Onward to next week, where I hopefully complete this goal!

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