Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 2- 1/2: Closet, dresser and bedroom overall

Running a little late I know. However, not because I have not been purging and cleaning. This goal was just a bit bigger than I realized. This week and a half I cleaned out my bedroom closet, dresser, under the bed drawers, under the bed in general, night stand, and cleared out just general clutter that should not be there.

Dear Gods! How have I been living like this?!!

My closets and drawers were overflowing. I had a lot of old clothes I haven't worn in years. Some even dating back even to high school and early college. (Really corduroy patch pants? Why do I still have you?)  I also had clothes I couldn't use anymore, such as a large pile of jeans with holes in the butt. They fit so perfect, its hard to let them go, even if you can't wear them anymore unless you want the world to know about your granny panties. It was time to sort through my old clothes and purge.

I have four and half garbage bags now of clothes to donate. I also took out all of my summer clothes and packed them up in a bin to store til next year. A habit I have never really gotten into, however when you have limited space you have to accept that its better to put things into temporary storage when you can.

All of my clothes now neatly fit into their proper drawers and I even have a little extra space.

Much better!

My bedroom at sometime wound up being the place to shove things when cleaning in a hurry. Problem being, the objects of these rush cleanings rarely left the bedroom afterwards, thus taking residence on the floor, surface tops, closet, nightstand, under my bed, etc. I removed all of these and moved them to more appropriate places or in a few cases were thrown out. 

I am very happy with the over all results. The bedroom revamp is not complete. I would like to decorate a bit and possibly move some furniture around. However, that is for a later date. 

Even the cats are amazed!
(Yes there is a liquor cabinet in the bedroom... this will be addressed in a later post)

Now maybe I can finally add some decorations to the walls? 
Goal Week 2 1/2: Complete!
Goal Week 3: The coat/hall closet!


  1. WOW Muppet! That is amazing! Go you! You're inspiring me. I can't do much with the office or the art room because a lot of that is Larry's stuff and stuff he needs to go through himself, but the rest of the house I get free reign over and I'm taking command! Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Mari-anne! It tough cause some of the mess has just gotten worse elsewhere. Some of it the donation items that are getting piled up. Some of it is items I am just not sure what to do with and need to purged and cleaned in their own course. Little by little though things are getting cleaner. As long as I stick to one goal a week, things should be good though.

  3. Wow is right. Amazing progress Muppet Baby! Inspiring to say the least.

  4. Having your bedroom be a haven though is really important, so it's good you got this part done.
