Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I am not really a neat, clean, organized person. In fact I am down right messy, forgetfully and frequently frazzled.  I don't entirely mind it. Its part of who I am. And no matter what, there will always be a part of me who is that girl with pastel on her cheeks, mud on her knees and who manages to somehow get frosting on the ceiling while baking a cake. I would like to be neater, less cluttered and a little more organized however, as the way I am living right now, is frustrating and stressful. 

My last move a little over a year ago, really taught me how much stuff I actually own. How I managed to fit the amount of stuff I have into approximately 700 square feet is astounding. It fills up much of the living space in my current one bedroom apt and a large portion of the small attic above. I am frankly tired it. I am tired of not being able to find what I am looking for, I am tired of tripping over things, and I am tired of frantically trying to clean and hide the mess when friends and family come over and tired of being embarrassed and apologetic when I fail at doing so.

This blog was created to keep me honest. I have tried several times in the past year, particularly over the summer, to start purging and simplifying to no avail. Like all good procrastinators, the call of instant streaming TV, facebook, skiing, rock climbing, flying to the moon, inventing a time machine, riding a dinosaur, getting bit by a radioactive turnip and turning into a super villain, and futile attempts to dance like a peacock spider are too much to actually do something as productive as throwing useless things away and organizing what I keep. 

So once a week, I will update this blog with pictures on the progress and set goals for the following week and hopefully be able to share the purging and organizing tips I learn along way. 


  1. good luck with the purge. I've done this several times. Moving usually forces it. I think we'll be inspired by you and do a book purge too. I'm going to share this with Larry. Go Muppet! I like the idea of this blog.

  2. Thanks! I have never really done a mass purge before. Never really needed to. Coming from such a small place before I really didn't realize I had so much stuff. I am still trying to figure out where I kept it all in my last place. It was like a magic trick!
